Preposterous Statements

An Anthology of Preposterous   

Government mouth-piece Academics
        on Nuclear Energy Policies

xxxxxx = underlined by the editor     ■■= comments by the editor

●index●  Click a name.

 01 Shunich Yamashita: ( Graduate School of International Health Development, Nagasaki Univ.・Advisor to Fukushima Prefectural Control of Rad-affected Health Risks)

 02 Naoto Sekimura:   (Prof. at Graduate School of Engineering Studies, Univ. of Tokyo.)

 03 Ryuta Kawashima: ( Prof. at Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku Univ.)

 04 Haruki Madarame: ( Chair of the Nuclear Safety Commission)

 05 Yoshihisa Matsumoto:   Associate Prof. at Tokyo Institute of Technology.

 06 Atsuyuki Suzuki:   (Chief Director of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, former-Chair of the Nuclear Safety Commission)

 07 Shunsuke Kondo:   (Chair of the Nuclear Energy Commission)  

 08 Michio Ishikawa: ( Top Consultant to Japan Nuclear Technology Institute)

 09 Muneo Morokuzu: (Specially-appointed Prof. at Graduate School of Public Policies, Univ. of Tokyo formerly working for Toshiba )

 10 Keiichi Nakagawa: (Associate Prof. at Dpt.of Radiology, Tokyo Univ. Hospital)

 11 Jun Itami:  ( Director of Dpt.of Radiation Therapy in National Cancer Center Hospital )

 12 Tokio Kanou: (Counselor to TEPCO, one-time Upper House parliamentarian )

 13 Hironobu Nakamura: ( Director of Japan Radiology Association, one-time prof. at Osaka Univ.)

 14 Keiji Miyazaki: (Emeritus prof. at Osaka Univ.)

 15 Kazuaki Kato: (Chief Director of Radiation Safety Forum)

 16 Kenji Sumida: (Emeritus Prof. at Osaka Univ. and one-time acting-Director of Nuclear Safety Commission)

 17 Yoshihiko Otsuki: (Emeritus Prof. at Waseda Univ.)

 18 Ministry of Fisheries HP

 19 Ministry of Education and Science:
“For a Correct Understanding of Radioactivities” (April 20th )

 01 Shunich Yamashita: ( Graduate School of International Health Development, Nagasaki Univ.・Advisor to Fukushima Prefectural Control of Rad-affected Health Risks)

@:“What matters with the radiation exposure in the case of those people like us 20 to 30 kms away from the site is the internal one.” “We need to draw a line somewhere. This boundary drawing is done because we can say ‘so and so area is safe.’ When we are more than 20kms away, our health will not be affected at all even when some radioactive fallout may come down and taint the area. That’s why the decree for those areas 20 to 30kms away stipulates that the people should be made to remain/take refuge indoors.”

■■ A little radioactive contamination doesn’t affect our health at all?! This is a complete disregard of external radiation exposure.

A:”Exposure to 1mSv of radiation will injure one gene of your cells. Very easy, to figure out: 100 mSv of radiation will injure 100 genes. This is also easy to understand. Then injured genes increase in accordance with the increase of radiation amount. This you understand, too. All of us without exceptions have our genes injured, but we are still alive. Our living cells heal the injuries of the genes. You see, you have 1mSv of radiation one day, but the injury will have been healed by the next day. This is how human body works. Let’s suppose you had your 100 genes injured and you may have had 99 but one of them healed right. To fear the development of this one wrongly healed gene leading to an on-set of cancer cells after tens of years is what you mean when you talk about the health effects of radiation. This is exactly the theory of probability. The fact is that 1mSv of radiation injures 1 gene and 100 mSv at a time will injure 100 genes. Then the 10 μSv or the 50 μSv which are now being talked about are doses which we cannot judge for sure whether they injure a gene or not. They don’t. This is the tricky but important point.”

■■ “ 1 mSv of radiation injures 1 gene,” is something unheard of ! Is a <specialist> allowed to talk something so irresponsible/unscientific?

B:“In this city of Fukushima something like 20 micro Sv/hr of radiation is said to have continued.” “If you multiply the dose by 24, it means that there may have been about 480 micro Sv per day. But if you are indoors, the dose amounts is only one-tenth of it, 48 micro Sv per day. The dose taken into your body is one-tenth of the radiation, which means the dose taken into your body indoors is one-hundredth of the outdoor radiation.”

■■ This irresponsible remark is out of question! It’s true that the indoor dose is usually lower than the outdoor one, but you cannot say it is one-tenth. As for the internal exposure being one-hundredth, it is a big lie. Any amount of radiation can cause an internal exposure greater than an external one.

C:“What we as citizens of a democratic state must at least believe is the government guidelines and information coming out of our government.”

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■■ Is it democratic to tell people to believe whatever the government says?

D:“We have our responsibility for the children who will carry on the next generation. That’s why all the radiation protection benchmarks are set with the permissible doses for babies as their bases. Adults above 20 years of age hardly have any radiation sensitivity, almost zero. Firstly please remember that adults hardly have any radiation sensitivity. In spite of this fact, it’s the adults who worry about their radiation exposure. They are mistaken. Especially men are greatly mistaken.”
( quoted from his lecture in Fukushima on March 21st, 2011)

■■ It’s a big lie that all the radiation protection benchmarks are set with the permissible doses for babies as their bases ! !

E:“It’s wrong to say even a smallest dose of radiation exposure is dangerous.” “An exposure to more than 100 mSv of radiation at a time will raise the probability of on-setting cancer, but there will be no risk if the exposure is contained within 50 mSv. The upper limit of permissive exposure for nuclear plant laborers has been set at 50 mSv per year just to broaden the margin of safety. People in general fear that the radiation exposure may on-set cancer in their future body. Well, if 100 people were exposed to 100 mSv of radiation at a time, the number of people out of the 100 who will have cancer in their lifetime would increase by 2 or 3 (One out of three Japanese dies of cancer). So we can’ t possibly say from the present circumstances that the number of cancer cases will increase remarkably.”

■■ It is common sense to think that even a smallest dose of radiation exposure is dangerous. The lack of this common sense is a sign of an academic being a government mouth-piece.

F:“Those who had been in and then evacuated the areas within 10 to 20kms of the nuclear plants may have been exposed to about 1mSv of radiation, but the effects of the radiation exposure on their health will not differ much whether the dose was some micro Sv or 100 mSv, i.e. the increase rate of cancer on-set between the doses will not differ.”
              ( at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan on May 3rd ,2011)

■■ To sum up, he is trying to say that up to 100 mSv there is no need to worry about its effects on health, though his logic is too illogical to understand.

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G:“From now on, we need your cooperation to find out whether you will get sick or not.” “ We need an epidemiological survey with the cooperation of all the Fukuhsimaites to find out the effects of the radiation exposure after ten years. So we cannot say anything about the effects here at this point.” 

■■ He virtually asks Fukushimaites to be guinea pigs. Is this a disclosure of his real intention?

H: “ Since the government guideline set the permissive radiation exposure dose to be 20 mSv, it’s the obligation of the people to accept the guideline.” “The effects of radiation exposure below 100 mSv not having been scientifically proved yet, it is only after ten years that we will get to know the effects. That’s why I have been telling the people of Fukushima not to worry so that they can have peace of mind.” “ The risk of getting cancer hasn’t been recognized unless you are exposed to 100 mSv at a time.” “ Those who cannot accept the policy of raising the usual limit of 1mSv to 20mSv have no choice but to evacuate the area.” “ I am not talking about safety. I am talking about peace of mind.
                 (in Nihonmatsu on May 3rd ,2011)

■■ In short he admits, following the government guideline, he has not been telling the people that it’s safe but not to worry so that they can have peace of mind. According to him we need to wait ten years to know the results. What an irresponsible thing to say!

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 02 Naoto Sekimura:   (Prof. at Graduate School of Engineering Studies, Univ. of Tokyo.)

@:“A meltdown of a nuclear reactor cannot have happened.”
“The possibility that the cooling water is leaking is low.”
            (quoted from the April 16th,2011 issue of ShukanGendai)

■■ He has been telling a lot of lies.

A:“I will report on the results of an on-the-spot inspection of the 1st Reactor of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant.”“We executed the inspection, and confirmed the required items.”
( inspection in August, 2010 and reporting on Feb.7th, 2011, with Sekimura as the head of High Level Aging Technology Evaluation Working Group within Nuclear Energy Safety and Preservation Section, Comprehensive Natural Resources and Energy Institute)

■■ Mr Sekimura was the very head that had guaranteed the safety of the reactor just before the earthquake.

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 03 Ryuta Kawashima: ( Prof. at Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku Univ.)

“Because of the nuclear tests carried out by the US and the USSR, the density of radioactive substances in the air the whole world over had been several hundred times or even thousand times that of the whole world atmosphere prior to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant accident. However, there was no evidence of an increase in the rate of cancer cases being on-set by the high radiation level due to the nuclear tests.”
            (quoted from the April 16th,2011 issue of ShukanGendain)

■■ Not only the rate of cancer on-set, but also the rate of infant mortality had been clearly increasing because of the nuclear tests. Let’s stop making the on-going radioactive contamination look small by underrating the effects of other/former radiation release cases. That is a double distortion of the facts. It must be classified as a criminal act if this underrating is done for the purpose of further promoting nuclear energy generation.

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 04 Haruki Madarame: ( Chair of the Nuclear Safety Commission)

@:“To end up in a big accident after two emergency diesel engines going down simultaneously, you need to have various things happening, this and that, one after another.” “If you keep supposing every possible mishap leading to an accident, you can’t build anything. That’s why you stop striving for absolute safety at some point on which you make your best bet.”
(quoted from “Man-made Disaster at Fukushima Nuclear Plant” written by Minato Kawamura and published by Gendai Shokan)

“You cannot build a nuclear plant if you must suppose a situation where every source of power is lost.”
         (quoted from the April 14th ,2011 issue of ShukanGendai)

“You cannot build a nuclear plant unless you can make your best bet on the point at which you allow yourself to stop striving for absolute safety. We do admit that our bet on the stopping point was not the best or the right one and we are deeply regrettable for that.”
          ( at the Upper House Budget Committee on March 22nd,2011)

■■ His statement is a proof that it is impossible to build an absolutely safe nuclear plant.

A:“Radioactive substances will be diluted and spread far and wide in the sea. You hardly need to worry about internal exposure even if you eat fish.”           ( quoted from the May 21st,2011 issue of ShukanGendai)

■■ How can he say such an irresponsible thing as this ?! Isn’t it common sense that there is a phenomena called food chain and bio-concentration/accumulation/?

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 05 Yoshihisa Matsumoto:   Associate Prof. at Tokyo Institute of Technology.

“Your safety is guaranteed by the called Genes. Sperms are regenerated anew. It’s perfectly safe ( even for a baby to be fed water above 300 Bq.)”             (on a TV Asahi program in March and April, 2011)

■■ Just an outrageous remark! It’s out of the question!

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 06 Atsuyuki Suzuki:   (Chief Director of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, former-Chair of the Nuclear Safety Commission)

@:“Those many people who are in charge of the nuclear plant safety measures are doing their best, hardly leaving any room for improvements.”
“What went wrong was their way of explaining things to the public.”
“The explanation ‘the nuclear plant safety is insured because an earthquake surpassing the quake benchmarks will never occur’ was too off-handed.”

■■ If he really means to claim that there is no room for improvement as they are, nuclear plants should be stopped immediately. What‘s wrong was not the way of explanation but the notion itself that things they did not want to predict would never happen.

A:“It is important for regulatory actions for nuclear plant safety to apply the principle that greater, the risks, the more capital input is needed for safety insurance. However, risk evaluation which looks quite objective is, in a way, best bets making on where to stop pursuing the absolute safety.”                  (in an interview by The Denki Shinbun on May 8th, 2009)

■■ Risk evaluation is something you can do in any way you want? !

B:“Nuclear power is an indispensable energy to our everyday lives.” “We will keep challenging to further develop nuclear energy.” As we have been doing until now, we will, with the spirit of safety ensuring and job-site consideration, we will engage in our activities to be able to gain your strong trust.”
  (quoted as saying on April 1, 2011 from “The Man-made Disaster at Fukushima Nuclear plant” written by Minato Kawamura and published by Gendai Shokan)

■■ This is what he said in the very midst of the Fukushima disaster. No remorse or contrition can be detected in his say. There will surely be the second and the third nuclear accident if we entrust them with the nuclear plants !!

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 07 Shunsuke Kondo:   (Chair of the Nuclear Energy Commission) 

“We believe our mission is to believe in the bright prospect of the nuclear energy, esp. in the development of the fast-breeder reactor and to show its utility for the mankind by succeeding in its construction and operation.”       (as a witness on the side of Donen in Monju court case in 1991) 

■■ Will he still say the same thing now about Monju when we can’t even have a prospect of its running at all after wasting so much money on it ? The money for Monju should be reallocated for the victims of the earthquake-nuclear disaster. 

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 08 Michio Ishikawa: ( Top Consultant to Japan Nuclear Technology Institute)

“We are most concerned about the possible social disruption caused by inaccurate and irresponsible information.” “From the standpoint of stable energy supply and anti-global warming measures, nuclear power generation is indispensable to our country and we should promote nuclear power generation on the condition that the lesson from Fukushima Disaster will fully be reflected.”
         ( quoted from May 15th,2011 Extra Edition of AERA “Nuclear Power Plants and the Japanese”)

■■ What does he think the “lesson” was/is from the Fukushima nuclear accident? It is not by the but the of the earthquake-nuclear disaster and radiation release that the society is disrupted and thrown into confusion.

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 09 Muneo Morokuzu: (Specially-appointed Prof. at Graduate School of Public Policies, Univ. of Tokyo formerly working for Toshiba )

“The cesium level in the air around 1960 was 10,000 times that of today (due to the nuclear tests by China, the US, and the USSR). So it’s too eccentric for a farmer to commit suicide. Excess worry is not necessary.”
           ( quoted from the July,2011 issue of Takarajima as saying in a TV Asahi program in April )

■■(The data published by Ministry of Education and Science showed the detected fallout of cesium 137 in Tokyo was 2.8 times that of 1963, which makes the desperation of the farmer who committed suicide understandable.) What’s more, there is also data showing this very radioactive fallout from the nuclear tests then raised the infant mortality rate in Japan.

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 10 Keiichi Nakagawa: (Associate Prof. at Dpt.of Radiology, Tokyo Univ. Hospital)

“It is a known fact that radiation dose below 100 mSv doesn’t have bad effects upon human bodies.” “Exposure to 100 mSv of radiation may raise the risk of on-setting cancer by 0.5%. Japan is the most cancer-infested country in the world anyway. One out of two people in Japan gets cancer. The dose 100 mSv only raises the original cancer risk of 50 % to 50.5 %. You can say that smoking tobacco is by far riskier.”                      ( quoted from the March 31st,2011 issue of Shukan Shincho)
“In the case of Chernobyl, the only increase really reported was that of thyroid cancer in children.”      (quoted from the April 14th,2011 issue of Shukan Shincho)

■■ It’s wrong to compare radiation with smoking. He lacks proper understanding of Chernobyl. At this very moment thyroid cancer is on the increase in adults. By 2006, the number of people in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus who have had radiation-affected health problems had amounted to 7,000,000.

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 11 Jun Itami:  ( Director of Dpt.of Radiation Therapy in National Cancer Center Hospital )

@:“Though Russians have taken in cesium through foods like milk after the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident, we have no scientific data showing the increase of cancer cases with the exception of thyroid cancer cases in children due to iodine. It depends on the contamination from now on, but the amount of cesium detected now can be taken into your body without causing any health problems.”
        (quoted from HP “A Manual for Complete Control of Cancers” on April 6,2011)

■■ This again is an underestimation of the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident. At this very moment thyroid cancer is on the increase in adults. By 2006, the number of people in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus who have had radiation affected health problems had amounted to 7,000,000. The rad-affected ones easily get tired and are prone to get infectious diseases due to secretion or/and immunity troubles.

A:“Surmising from the lifestyle of children going to school, their internal exposure through inhaled air, eaten food, and wound openings all added up only amounts to about 1% of the external exposure.”
          ( quoted from the June 23rd,2011 issue of the Tokyo Shinbun )

■■ This is an intentional underestimation of internal exposure, when an internal exposure can well be greater than an external one.

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 12 Tokio Kanou: (Counselor to TEPCO, one-time Upper House parliamentarian )

“Some researchers profess that low dose radiation is good for your health. I think it’s persuasive. A colleague of mine recovered from his illness by low dose radiation therapy.”
                     ( quoted from the May 5th issue of the Asahi Shinbun)

■■ He seems to be talking about hormesis effect, but he is not persuasive enough. What is a low dose radiation therapy? We have never heard of it !

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 13 Hironobu Nakamura: ( Director of Japan Radiology Association, one-time prof. at Osaka Univ.)

“A low dose exposure is good for health. Accumulated amount of as much as 1000 mSv would probably be harmless.”
               ( in a Yomiuri TV program in March and April, 2011)

■■ An irresponsible remark ! 1 Sv is harmless ?? It will definitely cause an acute disorder!

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 14 Keiji Miyazaki: (Emeritus prof. at Osaka Univ.)

“Seismic vibration of the earthquake was around 400 gals, which was within the seismic vibration benchmark of 600 gals and the reactors stopped. The problem was that the tsunami was beyond our supposition.”
“Nuclear energy which is economical and little CO2- emitting should continue to be promoted. If not, Japan will suffer from electric power shortage which in turn will lag Japan’s civil and social development through disruption of everyday lives of the people and the stagnation of the whole economy.”
           (quoted from May 15th Extra Edition of AERA “Nuclear Power Plants and the Japanese”)

■■ He trivializes the issue putting the blame on the "tsunami". Mr.Mitsuhiko Tanaka, a one-time reactor construction engineer, says that at least the 1st Reactor lost its coolant due to the plumbing damage caused by the "earthquake". How can we prioritize the worry for electricity shortage over the damage by radiation? With the nuclear disaster still uncontrollably continuing, how can you arrive at the notion that nuclear power generation is cheaper and emit little CO2? Power can be supplied without nuclear plants, but those government mouth-piece academics don’t see other power generating means.

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 15 Kazuaki Kato: (Chief Director of Radiation Safety Forum)

@:“The upper dose limit for general public (1000μSv=1mSv per year) is a promise or an agreement to contain the impact of the radiation caused by the use of specific radioactive source and not a figure showing the boundary between safe and unsafe doses for the general public.”
“Many people are not familiar with the radiation units like Sv. And Bq. They cannot understand what those figures mean.” “I advise you to use following two figures as a guideline for judgment: one is the average of annual radiation amount an ordinary Japanese is exposed to (4 mSv.) and the other is the lethal radiation amount at a one-time whole body exposure left untreated causing an acute radiation disorder and eventual death( 7mSv).”          ( quoted from Radiation Safety Forum HP, on March 21st,2011)

■■ Does he mean to say that this much of explanation is enough for the unintelligent general public? Where does he get the figure 4mSv which we hear for the first time? Wasn’t the world average 2.4 mSv and the Japanese one, 1.5mSv?

A:“Even in a case where a overdose has been found in a measurement report, it is not advisable to supervise an immediate and complete throw away of the ‘contaminated’ material. A small amount of radiation will disappear right away. You need to check the state of the food when you read the measurements: for example, the milk detected to be overdose radioactive can be made into powder milk or into dairy products such as butter and cheese to be sold and eaten when the dose comes down below the benchmark .”
               ( quoted from Radiation Safety Forum HP, on March 21st,2011)

■■His advice may be a realistic one if almost all the foods are contaminated, but the basic idea should still be “try to evade any radiation exposure as much as possible.”

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 16 Kenji Sumida: (Emeritus Prof. at Osaka Univ. and one-time acting-Director of Nuclear Safety Commission)

“The review of the Quake Proof Guideline after the Great Hanshin Earthquake reached the conclusion that there was no problem with the prescribed provisions. But I now remember not only one but quite a many scholars came back to us after the review saying, ‘ I was in the minority and didn’t speak out knowing that my opinion would not be considered, but I believe the guideline needs to be renewed.’ All of them had no stake in nuclear energy.”
         ( quoted from May 15th Extra Edition of AERA “Nuclear Power Plants and the Japanese”)

■■ There is no crying over spilt milk, isn’t there?

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 17 Yoshihiko Otsuki: (Emeritus Prof. at Waseda Univ.)

“Almost 10,000 die in car accidents per year and nobody thinks it 100% safe to ride in a car. But we definitely need cars in our present society. The situation is the same with nuclear power plants.” “Even after an appallingly disastrous contamination like Chernobyl, we cannot find any research results proving the increase of cancer and leukemia cases among adults in the surrounding areas.”
                          (quoted from the April 16th Issue of Shukan Gendai)

■■ It is wrong to compare nuclear energy plants with cars, to start with. His understanding of Chernobyl disaster is not full enough. At this very moment thyroid cancer is on the increase in adults. By 2006, the number of people in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus who have had radiation affected health problems had amounted to 7,000,000.

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 18 Ministry of Fisheries HP

“Radioactive substances, unlike mercury and organochlorine compounds, don’t concentrate and accumulate in the fishes through food chains.”
→ “The expression used in our HP ‘don’t concentrate and accumulate’ meant to mean not that but ‘don’t continue to concentrate and accumulate.’
         ( a correction made by the ministry after being asked by ShukanGendai, a weekly magazine)

■■ The Ministry of Fisheries is another unreliable institution! The language they use is not understandable Japanese.

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 19 Ministry of Education and Science:
“For a Correct Understanding of Radioactivities” (April 20th )

“External Exposure is caused when radioactive substances stick to your clothes and skin.”

■■ The understanding of external exposure is too narrow:
is it intentional not to mention the exposure from the ground soil?

“To be noted in school life, the accumulated amount of radiation exposure per year should be contained below 20 mSv, which means the amount per hour should be less than 2.2 microSv on the average. A school day plan based on the Nuclear Safety Commission guideline with 8 hours of outdoor activities and 16 hours of indoor activities will expose children to 3.8 microSv per hour. Areas where their radiation dose is below 3.8 micro Sv per hour are fit to live normal lives without any risks. “

■■ Areas where radiation dose is above 0.6 microSv per hour are supposed to be designated as “Radiation Controlled Area” where laborers under 18 are forbidden to work. To say that a normal life is possible being exposed to the radiation of 3.8 micro Sv per hour is criminal, ignoring the higher proneness of children to be affected, the fact that children are closer to the ground and thus more liable to be exposed to the ground soil radiation, the possibility of internal exposure, and the risks of late-onset disorders.

“Of all the , any have not been detected so far in human beings including the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bomb victims, nuclear tests victims, and nuclear plants victims like those of Chernobyl. By the way in the case of Chernobyl, no increase in cancer cases except in those of children’s thyroid cancer has been acknowledged.

■■ Here again past examples are trivialized. To ignore the serious effects by taking advantage of the non publication of genetic effects for fear of discrimination against the victims, is inexcusable. Chromosome disorders in pregnant women and congenital malformations in new born babies have been detected. The IAEA had reported that the number of deaths caused by Chernobyl accident was 4000. The newly in-US published book ,“The Aftereffects of the Appalling Disaster of Chernobyl on the Environment and the People” written by researchers in Belarus (not yet translated) reports that the number of deaths due to the accident is 985,000.”

“It is said that the effects of psychological stress caused by the worry you harbor about the radiation you have been exposed to is greater than the effects of the radiation exposure itself. If guardians worry excessively, the worry will be passed on to their children and make them physically and mentally unstable.”

■■This pamphlet published by the Ministry of Education and Science aims at trivializing the realities of a most disastrous accident by its psychological interpretation/treatment. Not radiation specialists but Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Pediatrics are guiding and cooperating with the Ministry. We can imagine schools reacting negatively to guardians worrying about children’s health. It is a very malicious act to trivialize the realities of the radiation exposure into a psychological issue.

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・“The Man-made Disaster at Fukushima Nuclear Plant” written by Minato Kawamura and published by Gendai Shokan
・“A Nuclear Power Plant Running Wild” written by Ryuichi Hirokawa and published by Shogakkan
・“The Guilt of Nuclear Power Plant Celebrities who Gather around Electric Companies” ( April 15th ,2011 issue of Shukan Kinyoubi )
・“The Government mouth-piece Academics who Promoted Nuclear Power Generation” ( April 29th,2011 issue of Shukan Kinyoubi )
・April 16th,2011 issue of Shukan Gendai
・May 15th,2011 Extra Edition of AERA: The Nuclear Plant and the Japanese
・July,2011 issue of Takarajima